Sunday, 31 December 2017

My Adventurous Goals for 2018 | 12 Days of Blogmas

When it gets towards the end of the year I always routinely start thinking about what I want to achieve in the next year.

Usually it'll be something like "save money" and "lose weight". This coming year I want to make my list a bit more adventurous. I want to do more exciting things, and finally start crossing things off of my bucket list (a list of things I want to do before I die).

My 2018 Goals (in no particular order)

1 - Abseil the Spinnaker Tower

This is quite a significant building where I live, and I've been telling myself for at least a year that I want to abseil it for charity. I would be confronting my anxiety and the adrenaline junkie inside of me, all whilst raising money and creating a unique memory.

2 - Go Some Where Abroad With Connor

Myself and my boyfriend have wanted to go away for years now, and have only accomplished short stays in the UK. My main priority in 2018 is for us to have a holiday anywhere. Be it travelling Europe in a few weeks, or individual trips to Spain or Amsterdam. Crossing the sea to USA or Canada.

3 - Travel More of the UK

I've seen a lot of people visit some beautiful places in the UK and I'm eager to explore and take some stunning photos. I think we often forget that where we live can be stunning, and I don't want to get into a rut of just staying in my local area.

4 - Sky Dive (again)

A few years ago myself and my Mum raised money for charities by skydiving. It's something I'd always wanted to do. However, I want to do this again but have it filmed or have photographs of me falling through the sky. I think it's not something that everyone does and I'd love to have evidence of me doing it!


I think that should do it for adventurous goals! I wanted to have some goals that were a bit out of the ordinary. Unfortunately I'm not 100% sure where my actual bucket list is otherwise I'd have added some more here!

Let me know if you want to achieve some big goals in 2018!

I wish you all a Happy New Year where ever you are.

Love Saffron


  1. Sky Dive? God I'm too afraid to do that ahah. I wish you an amazing new year girl!

    Veronica | Blogger & Influencer

    1. My first time doing it I was fearless until I was dangling out of the plane! After the initial ten seconds it’s a lovely experience!

      Thank you so much Veronica!

      Love Saffron x

  2. This are brilliant goals, but sky dive?! That's crazy, you're definitely braver than me.

    Travelling is such an amazing experience, I can't recommend it enough. Good luck!

    Naomi xo


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