Hello and welcome to my little nook of the internet.

I started this blog in March 2015 because I wanted to have a voice in the world wide web. I'm from Portsmouth, Hampshire and I'm currently juggling working nightshifts with freelance writing, and setting up side hustles.

My blog covers mostly mental health and lifestyle topics, I talk about things I am passionate about. I'm very fussy about who I work with, because I respect my little community of readers and their trust.

My statistics: (true as of 1st December 2020)

- Twitter 2,603
- Instagram 1,155
- Facebook 110
- YouTube 15
- Pinterest 65
- LinkedIn 227

Views last month - 4,417
All time blog views - 231,699

I'm PR friendly and love collaborating with companies and brands. If you want to work with me, pop me a friendly email at thisissaffers@gmail.com 

Brands/Companies I've worked with:


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